by Katy Rumbles | Apr 20, 2023 | Recovery-zone
29th June 2023 12:00 BST During the 2023 RigRun Cup Challenge, competitors took on all kinds of physical activity to earn points for their teams, including a range of watersports. In particular, Stand-Up Paddle Boarding (SUP) has become a popular choice in...
by Katy Rumbles | Apr 20, 2023 | Recovery-zone
22nd June 2023 12:00 BST It’s never too late to get into a fitness routine, and Funk Roberts has the proof. This self-proclaimed “54-year-old badass” has helped 15,000 men in their 40s, 50s and 60s to get fit, transform their bodies and enjoy exercising. In...
by Katy Rumbles | Apr 20, 2023 | Recovery-zone
21st June 2023 12:00 BST Supplements can be a helpful addition to your exercise routine, helping you increase your sporting performance and/or aiding your recovery after events like RigRun. However, the supplement industry is a minefield, and the scientific...
by Katy Rumbles | Apr 20, 2023 | Recovery-zone
16th June 2023 12:00 BST Understanding what to eat and when for different types of workouts can be very confusing. And with so much information available (from sources that vary significantly in reliability), it can be tricky to separate fact from fiction. ...
by Katy Rumbles | Apr 20, 2023 | Recovery-zone
13th June 2023 13:00 BST Completing survival training and passing regular medical exams is just the tip of the iceberg for the offshore firefighter. And since enduring physically demanding work at height, in enclosed spaces, and in all weather and...
by Katy Rumbles | Apr 20, 2023 | Recovery-zone
Our bodies are always here with us and can only ever be experienced in the present moment. Yet, we pay very little attention to them unless something goes wrong. Becoming more mindful of our bodies brings a whole host of physiological, emotional and mental health...