Cast your mind back 15-20 years.

On any offshore asset, you could make a fair guess at where you’d find your offshore colleagues during some much-needed downtime. Communal lounges and tea shacks were more than just rooms where you could grab a refreshment – they were community spaces where your “offshore family” could get together for a bit of ‘banter’.

But even when surrounded by people, offshore life could still feel lonely and isolating. Many assets were limited to one or two communal phone boxes, with workers queuing up to hear the voices of their loved ones for just a few minutes.

The introduction of WiFi onboard and everyone having a Smartphone may have eased this pain, with workers now able to connect with their families and friends at the touch of a button. But this convenience has resulted in a shift away from workers meeting in communal areas, opting instead for the comfort of their cabin and the glow of a screen, potentially and unconsciously isolating themselves even further.

Then came the Covid-19 pandemic, which only exacerbated these feelings of loneliness. Suddenly, offshore workers had to isolate alone in hotel rooms for up to 7 days before an offshore trip and stay in their cabins during their 2-3 week tours.


Tackling the Loneliness Epidemic: Sizing Up our Opponent


Loneliness is a biological warning signal.

When we feel lonely, we experience a looming sense of danger. It’s as if our tribe has deserted us, and we’re now vulnerable to attack. And even though (most of us) aren’t fending off wild animals these days, the hypervigilant, primal trigger remains, leaving us feeling stressed, anxious, and sometimes even depressed.

The World Health Organisation has repeatedly stated that good health comprises physical, mental AND social health. Yet, despite this, in-person social experiences are increasingly being replaced with anonymised, digital experiences.

Human beings are ‘social beings’. We thrive when we feel like we belong and have a sense of community. Downloading an app, tracking your weight, or attending a mental health webinar isn’t usually enough. We need real conversations, humour, exciting and enjoyable experiences, and the support and encouragement of those around us.

This is where team sport comes in, inspiring and uniting people in a unique way. It speaks to EVERYONE in a language they understand. It breaks down barriers across cultures, languages, genders, ages, and social or educational levels.

Whether taking part or spectating, you can’t help but feel a sense of belonging, something we all need to alleviate loneliness in an increasingly digital, post-pandemic world.



What do our RigRun Competitors Have to Say?


“Normally, I train alone, but RigRun made me feel part of a team.”

“People who had never really talked on the rig were suddenly in the gym and chatting to each other.”

“I made some new friends through meeting in the gym.”

“People were talking about the app and showing each other how to input workouts.”

“It encourages you to get out of your room and socialise more.”

“I spoke with different people I didn’t speak to before because we had something in common now.”

“We felt like a community.”

“For me, being an ad-hoc, it’s great to have that sense of belonging to something bigger.”

“At the end of each match, we would all stop and discuss our standings. It was a lot of fun!”

“Mentally, I feel much better, not alone as much, staying in my cabin doing nothing.”

“As a new person not long on the rig, it was great for breaking the ice.”


Learn more about the benefits of RigRun, including how it helps boost morale and improve the wellbeing of remote workers.